Sanskrit & Yoga Sutra
Yoga Sutra & Samskrtam – endlich gehts los : ) !
Ammajis unique Samskrtam course, specially designed for Yoga students, is about to start on January 6th 07:30 am Berlin time (12 noon IST).
All of you being familiar with the Samskrtam-Alphabets are cordially invited to attend.
Ammaji in this course introduces the 195 concise verses of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras,
making the sandhi rules and word-to-word meanings accessible in a very practical way while practice reading this ancient scripture and learn to chant them.
Please feel free to spread this information to interested people & register at:
Please join Ammaji at the launch of the course on December 10th 07:30 am Berlin time (12 noon IST) – to learn more about the course!